An illustration of a tan hamster curled around a sword, and both the sword an hamster have green cucumber vines with yellow flowers weaving between them. Beneath this are the words "The Scum Villain's Self Saving BIG BANG"

Collaborative event for MXTX'S SVSSS where people across the fandom come together to make a story and an art piece based on the story.Status: Creation period


You can sign up as a Writer, Artist or Beta.You can sign up simultaneously as a Beta and Writer or Artist.You cannot sign up for the event as both a Writer and Artist. You can, however, sign up to participate in the main event as a Writer and Pinch Hitter Artist.If you are signing up as more than one role please keep in mind the time commitment, and don’t overextend yourself.


Portrait of Shang Qinghua

Open: May 1 - June 17

Sign ups closed

Writers participating in the Big Bang will be expected to write a new, complete fic of at least 15,000 words. We will do our best to match you with a compatible artist.


Portrait of Shen Qingqiu

Open: May 1 - June 24

Sign ups closed

Artists will be expected to produce a work of art comparable in complexity and time investment to the writer’s Big Bang fic.The medium may vary; however, writers will be specifying which mediums they will accept being paired with.Pinch Hitter Artist
In case an artist drops out, a pinch hit will be sent to the artists that have selected this option in the Artist Sign-up Form.
Pairings at this point will be first-come-first-served in order to maximize art creation time.


Portrait of Liu Mingyan

Open: May 1 - June 24

Sign ups closed

Betas will rank fics from the anonymized list with summaries and writing samples, and we will assign you to the writer we feel best matches you.The commitment will be to offer support in the way or ways your assigned writer requires throughout the event, and you will be expected to check-in just like the other roles.

  • Artists, Writers, and Betas will be expected to communicate with each other and/or in the server regularly (weekly during the decision making period), and let each other and/or the mods know when they will be out of contact for a longer period. This is more of a guideline than a strict rule; the important thing is that we know if you’re fine or struggling.

  • Ghosting your chosen partner and dropping out of the event without notifying the mods may result in blacklisting from future events.

  • Participate in check-ins! Communicate!!! Communicate with us! Communicate with your team! Let us know what's up!

  • If you end up having to drop or need any extensions, that's fine, but PLEASE let us know. The sooner we know, the easier it will be to support you and those you are working with.

  • Sometimes life goes to shit, we’ve all been there. If you communicate when that happens, we’re here to provide an extension or help in whatever way we can.


Sign-up Period

  • May 1, 2024 - June 17, 2024 for Writers

  • May 1, 2024 - June 24, 2024 for Artists & Betas

Sign up using the Google Form for Writers/Artists/Betas.Once you have signed up, a link to the discord server will be sent to the email you signed up with. Be sure to check your spam folder!Due to the expected scale of the event, email invitations will be sent on a rolling basis, and may take some time to arrive.You will be expected to join the discord server before the first check-in or you will be considered not participating.

Disciple Selection

An Ding Peak

  • June 24, 2024 - July 1, 2024: Writer Summary Submissions

Writers will need to have a fic concept, summary, rough outline(optional), and unpublished writing sample of 100-500 words. You must fill out the airtable form by July 1st. Past this point, any changes to the fic concept will need to be approved by your assigned team.

Qing Jing Peak & Xian Shu Peak

  • July 8, 2024 - July 22, 2024: Artists & Beta selections

Artists & Betas will use Airtable to rank their top fics in order of preference. Airtable selections must be complete by July 15.

Tea Ceremony

  • July 29, 2024: Matches Revealed

First Mission

  • August 1, 2024 - August 7, 2024: Communications check-in

Artists, Writers, and Paired Betas must have successfully communicated with each other by August 7. By this date, each member of the team will be expected to fill out a form confirming that contact has been made and there are no issues.

Qiong Ding's Demon Invasion

Round 1 v. Elder Single Arm

  • October 1, 2024 - October 8, 2024: First check-in

Team members should have each completed 25% of workWriters: 3,750 words or equivalent
Artists: Scene selected, preferred media(digital/traditional art, video, photomanip, etc) selected
Paired Betas: Touch base with mods regarding progress and any obstacles

Round 2 v. Sha Hualing

  • November 1, 2024 - November 8, 2024: Second check-in

Team members should have each completed 50% of workWriters: 7,500 words or equivalent
Artists: Sketches or equivalent to your medium
Paired Betas: Touch base with mods regarding progress and any obstacles

Round 3 v. Elder Sky Hammer

  • December 1, 2024 - December 8, 2024: Third check-in

Team members should have each completed 75% of workWriters: 11,250 words or equivalent
Artists: Line art/base colors or equivalent to your medium
Paired Betas: Touch base with mods regarding progress and any obstacles

Immortal Alliance Conference

Entering Jue Di Gorge

  • January 13, 2025 - January 20, 2025: Final submissions

All must have completed their work and Writers have to post their fics via AO3 to the unrevealed collection

The Endless Abyss Opens

  • January 27, 2025: Posting schedule revealed

A schedule for how reveals will go

The Legend Begins

  • February 1, 2025 - TBD: Works revealed

Works will be posted as scheduled.


Welcome to the SVSSS 2025 Big Bang! We’re excited to have you!

  • You must be 18+ to sign up for this event and enter the Discord.

  • Writers will be expected to write a new, complete fic of at least 15,000. Crossovers are allowed, but must be at least 50% SVSSS by content. One-shot anthologies will be allowed as long as they are contained to a single work (not a series) and are united by a common theme. Niche topics are also allowed, but we cannot guarantee that a pairing will be found. We will do our best to alert you as early as possible if we believe we will not be able to find you a match due to your chosen subject matter (this will be informed by the Artists sign-up form, where they'll be required to submit their interest in niche topics).

  • Artists will be expected to create a work to match the fic they are paired with. This work must be 1 fully complete piece, entirely new and created specifically for the work by the artist. While this varies from artist to artist, we want to make sure that a similar level of effort is coming from both sides. So this may mean a fully colored and rendered piece, or a black and white comic, or several smaller illustrations throughout the work. Other mediums of art may have other thresholds to be determined on a case-by-case basis. We hope to support all sorts of art, but ultimately whether we can pair more unusual mediums depends on what writers will be interested in. As with niche topics, we will do our best to let you know early in the process if we are having difficulty finding you a match due to a particular medium.

  • We will primarily be communicating through a discord server. Joining the discord server and checking it periodically is a requirement for participation. Once matches are made, artist-writer groups may use different methods of communication, but are still expected to check in periodically with event mods. Emails will sometimes be sent out to keep information like pairings private, and an announcement would be made on discord when this occurs.

  • Artists, writers, and paired betas will be expected to communicate with each other and/or with the server roughly weekly, and let each other and/or the mods know when they will be out of contact for a longer period. This is more of a guideline than a strict rule; the important thing is that we know if you’re fine or struggling. Ghosting your chosen partner and dropping out of the event without notifying the mods may result in blacklisting from future events.

  • Participate in check-ins! Communicate!!! Communicate with us! Communicate with your team! Let us know what's up! If you end up having to drop or need any extensions, that's fine, but PLEASE let us know. The sooner we know, the easier it will be to support you and those you are working with. Sometimes life goes to shit, we’ve all been there. If you communicate when that happens, we’re here to provide an extension or help in whatever way we can.

  • Works will be posted to a collection on AO3.

  • Don't harass us or any event participants. All of our mods are running this for free in our spare time. We're doing our best and want this to be a fun event for everyone! Harassment is generally three-strikes-you’re-out, but you may be kicked for a single offense depending on severity. Discrimination will not be tolerated. Be polite! Don't be an asshole!

  • Please mind your topics! While your fics are allowed to discuss darker content, NSFW discussion should be kept to NSFW channels. Also, particularly dark topics should be put in their own thread.

  • If you ignore a mod asking you to move, especially when it comes to the above mentioned topics, that will be counted as a strike.

  • Once you have joined the event and the Discord server, please use the appropriate discord channels to ask questions, rather than pinging the event’s social media.

  • Betas will not be required, but we will help you find one on request. Artists and writers will also be able to ping a dedicated channel to ask betas specific questions.

  • AI editing software is permitted, but using AI to generate art or writing content for this challenge is prohibited. This event is about people working together, so let’s create and inspire each other!

  • If you use a beta to fully proofread your work, you must name them and acknowledge their efforts in your posted work. Failure to do so will result in removal from the collection.


  • What is a Big Bang?

It's a collaboration between an artist and a writer, sometimes also with a beta. The "proper" event is supposed to be 50k words, but we will only be requiring 15,000 words. Artists will be matched to a writer and complete a work of art to go with the fic. Betas will look over the work and get everything polished to its best possible form.The results will be posted to a collection on AO3, with art that can be embedded in the fic and credit given to everyone who worked on the project.

  • How do I sign up?

Here are the ways you can join us in the 2025 SVSSS Bing Bang!

Link to sign-ups

  • I am under 18. Can I participate?

Unfortunately we will not be able to accommodate minors. We have a few reasons for this. First, that the original material is 18+. We can’t officially avow minors reading the material.Second, we’d be requiring emails and other possibly identifying information, which could get us into trouble. Some sites say 13+ can consent to give up their data online, some say 16+, and some say guardian supervision required. We’re limiting to 18+ to cover our bases.Thirdly, for moderation purposes. It would be difficult to ensure no minors access nsfw channels in discord.So in conclusion, it’s a measure to protect minors, but also other participants and us as organizers. We want to avoid being held liable against anything that may happen involving minors, who aren’t legally allowed to consent. And we want to keep being around over the next few years, so that when you are 18+, you can join us!

  • Are there any requirements to be able to participate?

Participants must be 18+. You must have a valid email you can access throughout the big bang event. You must get a discord account and join the discord group, and be regularly in contact with the mods and/or your team. Writers must have an AO3 account for posting (and if you need to get one, we will help you get an invitation). Artists must have somewhere to upload their work so it can be embedded and/or linked in the fic on AO3.

  • If this is an only 18+ event, does the art or writing have to be nsfw only?

For the event the expectation is that all participants are over 18. The art/writing itself does not have to be be 18+ content. However there will be 18+ content such as snippets and sketches that will likely be present in the Discord server. For the pairings, artists can select to make their piece(s) for a fic that is of whatever rating they feel comfortable and even if they choose to work on a fic that is explicit they will not have to make an NSFW piece unless they wish to.

  • I have a story I started in my drafts. Can I use it for the event?

Yes! As long as you haven't published it or shared it publicly (since the matching process should be unbiased for artists) you can bring any previous projects.

  • If I signed up as a writer, do I get to choose the plot or do I write someone else's prompt?

You choose the prompt. Any ship, any characters, any rating. The world is your oyster. Then artists will pick which summaries they're the most interested in. After that, we'll match an artist with a fic to maximize compatibility and an artist will illustrate a scene from your fic.

  • What are the expectations for writers?

Writers participating in the Big Bang will be expected to write a new, complete fic of at least 15,000 words. We will do our best to match you with a compatible artist (and if you request one, possibly a beta as well). Once we have matched you, you will be expected to remain in communication with mods and/or your team frequently. You will be expected to meet the requirements at each check-in. Failure to check-in or communicate may result in being dropped from the event.

  • What are the expectations for artists?

Artists will be expected to produce a work of art comparable in complexity and time investment to the writer’s Big Bang fic. The medium may vary; however, writers will be specifying which mediums they will accept being paired with. We will do our best to match you with a compatible partner. Once we have matched you, you will be expected to remain in communication with mods and/or your team. You will be expected to meet the requirements at each check-in. Failure to check-in or communicate may result in being dropped from the event.

  • What are the expectations for betas?

Betas will be required to join the Big Bang discord and take up the beta role there.Paired betas will select writers to team up with, from an anonymized list of fics. You will work with the writer as they progress through the bang, and participate in check-ins by keeping mods posted as to your progress.Artists and writers will ask questions in specific channels, and you may also participate in the bang by answering questions in these channels.

  • What are the expectations for pinch-hitters?

Pinch-hitters will be contacted by email or Discord (if you are already a member of the server) in the event that a member of a team drops out. The specifications of what is needed will be included when you are contacted, and you may decide at that point if you wish to create art/beta for the team in need. Pairings at this point will be first-come-first-served in order to maximize creation time. Once you have been matched, you will need to join the discord server (if you haven't already) and remain in regular communication with mods and your team. You will have a different set of requirements from the standard, and will NOT be expected to meet check-in deadlines. However, you will be expected to keep mods up-to-date with your progress.

  • Are there any plans to make having a beta reader mandatory or assigning a beta reader to every participating writer?

Betas will not be mandatory. In fact, they aren’t even guaranteed. We will do our best to provide matches to the writers during the matching process if it is requested. For those with no assigned beta, we've provided channels in the discord for both artists and writers to ask questions to ask betas one-off questions. Sometimes a reality check or research question is helpful during the writing process without committing to a dedicated beta reader. Artists will not see the writer's beta question space and vice versa. It is also fine for you to use an external beta.

  • Will matches be done in a first come first serve basis?

Absolutely NOT. Whether we do the matches manually, or assisted by an algorithm, we can’t guarantee the best matches will be done in a pool that has less data than it could potentially have. Seeing the response to the event, there might be over a hundred of summaries submitted, which could be overwhelming for artists and betas to browse through, so we’ll be using Airtable.Airtable allows you to sort through tags. We highly recommend artists and betas to pick the tags they’re the most interested in and pick from there to prevent burnout. Although if you want to read every single summary to find potentially hidden gems, go for it!

  • How do check-ins work?

Check-ins will be done through google forms. We’ll be trusting you to honestly report your progress, and to let us know if you’re falling behind so that we can work with you and get you any support you need.

  • What happens if I don’t vibe with my partner/s?

If you’re struggling to work with anyone on your team for any reason, please reach out to us on discord. We will work to get you through any difficulties or reassign you as necessary.

  • What happens if my artist or beta drops out?

If your partner drops out early on, we may simply rearrange some pairings. If it’s later in the process and everyone has already begun to create, we’ll call up our pinch-hitters to take you on! We’ll make sure you can still participate and enjoy this event either way. However, it is crucial that you let us know as soon as possible if your partner is not communicating with you, so that we can give our pinch-hitters as much time as possible to work with.

  • What happens if my writer drops out?

If your writer drops out, we will need to handle it on a case-by-case basis. If it happens early in the event, you may be reassigned to another group. If you have already completed artwork or betaed a substantial amount of the work, your team will meet with the mods to discuss your options.

  • Do I need a Discord account for the event?

Yes. This event will be run through discord. Due to the interest in this event and the scale we have planned, we will not be accommodating other methods of communication. Announcements and help and other resources will all be provided through our discord server, and participants will all be expected to join.

  • How does the matching process work?

Writers will post their summaries and other information about their fics anonymously. Artists and betas will sort through the list and rank their top choices. Once selections have been made, mods will pair off everyone to the best of our abilities.

  • Can I use AI for creating/editing my work?

For the purpose of this event the only AI tools that will be permitted are those used for grammar checking such as Grammarly, or Machine Translation aid for writers whose first language may not be English like Google Translate. The hope with this event is to have people be able to flex their creative muscles in art and writing. Therefore, the use of GPT models and chatbots is not allowed for writing, nor are AI images allowed for artists.

  • Can the fic be written in chapters?

You can format your fic into chapters if you so choose but they will be posted at the same time since the expectation is that the complete fic will be added to the ao3 collection for the final submissions date.

  • If you end up changing your mind about something (like a ship or character) do you have to submit another form?

Any changes to ships and characters are fine until match-ups. Interest forms and signups are to understand what people want to write/draw so we can determine what to allow to maximize success. Changes to your fic’s concept after matching must be approved by your assigned team members.

  • What is the policy on crossovers/fusions?

For crossovers (stories involving characters from another Franchise): SVSSS must represent at minimum 50% of the content within the story. What you put in the other 50% would be up to you. It is also fine to have the crossover be with multiple fandoms. For example. MDZS could be 30% and TGCF could be 20% and SVSSS 50%. If SVSSS is 50% and another, single fandom is 50% expect to put the SVSSS fandom tag first when it comes time to post the story on AO3.For fusions (stories which takes elements of other franchise or uses another franchise’s setting): The expectation is that the majority of the cast will be from SVSSS.AUs can also be considered fusions. SVSSS where everything is the same but some McGuffin from another property is used but no external characters; there's no limitation on those. It is expected that SVSSS character(s) will also be present within the main cast.In both the case of crossovers and fusions please note that it may be more difficult to be matched with an artist. Especially if the involved Fandom is smaller. For example, writing a Star Wars/SVSSS crossover will likely get more responses from artists than a Toilet Bound Hanaku-Kun/SVSSS crossover but we will do our best during matching!

  • Will some artists have more than one writer or writers have more than one artist?

Currently we have pretty much a 1:1 ratio of artists to writers who have filled out the interest form. However, at the time of the event, it will depend on how many of either group sign up.If there are more writers, artists may be asked if they would like to work with more than one writer. And if there's more artists, some writers will be asked to work with two artists.

  • Is there any resources available during the event for non-native English speakers?

Betas will be able to assist with language difficulties when writing.Among the mods, we have Spanish, Russian, and French speakers available to answer questions as needed.

  • Are check-ins required?

Yes. Failure to check-in in a timely manner may result in being dropped from the event. It is crucial that everyone remains in contact and keeps mods updated so that we can provide any help needed to succeed.Extensions can be granteed on a case-by-case basis. Contact mods during the check-in period if you may need one and we'll be able to help you.

  • I am interested in drawing art for an NSFW fic. Does that mean my drawing need to be NSFW?

Art for a NSFW scene does not need to be NSFW. A SFW scene may also be depicted.

  • I have a question. Where should I ask it?

If you have not signed up and joined our discord, here is a link to our Curious Cat, where you can ask questions and the mods will respond. If you have joined our discord, there will be several channels available to you to ask questions on, depending on what you want to ask about.

  • Is there anything off-limits for fic?

We will be surveying artists and betas on signup, and will be cautioning writers on topics we believe will be difficult to find pairings for. However, we believe that if you can imagine it, there is probably an artist who would be interested in creating for it! If you believe your interests are particularly niche, being willing to accept a wider variety of art mediums may help.

  • Are fics with an original main character allowed? Like the setting is SVSSS, and most characters are from canon, but MC is an OC.

Yes. It can't be a fusion, for example, Marvel characters in SVSSS AU, but you can definitely do an OC protagonist as long as it's an SVSSS cast.However, we do warn that a story with an OC protagonist may not be as sought after in comparison with one that starts a canon character. In the event that we can't find a match even after calling for pinch-hitters, we may ask you to reconsider your story idea.

  • Do you have to be really good to participate?

We welcome all skill levels. A lot of the joy of a fandom event like this is coming together with fellow fans to improve your craft; we hope even beginners will find this to be a welcoming space where we can all learn and grow and work together.

  • How open will the mediums for art be for this big bang (or will this be determined by the interest check)?

We’ve had great a great variety of answers regarding the art side. From writers' responses, we have people who only want traditional illustrations, others that are open to different kinds of visual media, and even those who’d be open to receive or provide something completely different (mixed media, typesetting, cosplay, cooking, podfic) or have no preference and are open to anything!At the end of the day we are taking the preferences into account for both artists and writers and we are going to aim for compatible matches. Some teams may have multiple artists if the choice of wanting traditional art only is a sticking point for the authors, but with the interest so far, the odds are fantastic that our mod team can find a space for artists where their talents can shine.

  • Is this for profit?

No financial transactions will occur or be endorsed by this event. Not for profit or charity. All content produced by artists and writers will be made free and accessible online.

  • I work best under pressure, so I tend to write my fic towards the end of the deadline. Can I have an exemption for check-ins?

The check-ins are not really for the benefit of writers! They’re for the team you’re working with–the artists and betas you’ve been assigned. They need time to read your fic and draw for or edit it in some form. Writing it all at the end of the event is just not feasible for collaboration.You should consider the check-ins to be deadlines. Particularly since, if you are not trying to meet the deadlines, your team members may end up being reassigned.That said, if you like to write fast and all in one go, no one is stopping you from writing it all before the first check-in. You do you!


Here's the team working hard to bring you the 2025 edition of the Scum Villain Self-Saving Bing Bang. We all have diverse skillsets we're bringing together to make the Scum Villain Self-Saving Big Bang fun for everyone!


Paper cut girl with a orange hair in a bun and side bangs, wearing a blue bomber jacket


  • she/her

Certified artist and chef to serve you some deliciousness.


  • she/her

Your local mood writer-turned-mod who loves a good spreadsheet a totally healthy amount.

Matsinko's profile picture.
Otno's profile picture.


  • she/they

Writer that aims to bring happy endings to characters in need.


  • he/him

Mod of many hats (beta, discord, and behind the scenes organization), a writer molting into an artist and professional monster lover.

a piccrew of a plus sized person with pale skin, freckles, and glasses. He has short hair, a heart choker, a trans color binder, trans and lesbian flag buttons and boba in a cut
An oval cut, pink-red ruby on a black background. In the top left and bottom right corners are chunks of uncut ruby gemstone embedded in stone.


  • they/she/he

Logistics mod. I'll be doing the automation and logistics for the bang! Unless it breaks, then it wasn't me 😉


  • she/her

Writer tap-dancing on the line between comedy and tragedy.

A girl in pink holding a brush and a book.
Closed-eyed smiling chibi sipping on a can with a straw.


  • they/them

Plot is just an excuse to justify me stuffing worldbuilding up everyone’s throat.


  • he/they

Discord mod and writer on the side! Canon? What canon? I've got a shovel and I came here to dig babey!

Manhua Shen Qingqiu


  • they/them

Here to help betas, wrangle the discord server, and defend femslash.